bavarianDEMON Firmware


For bavarianDEMON gyro systems, we offer free firmware and safety updates to enable new functions, parameter and options. On this page you will find all latest available firmware updates.

Please read the notes and details for each update!

Firmware AXON

V 2.0 / 2000 Update-Details (Release 23.04.2018):

  • „DualRX“ option (serial input only): via button in the software/app, a second and redundant receiver can be added to port A. The corresponding software packages V2.0 incl. the switching function (Win + MacOS) are available for download. The app packages are to follow until mid/end of May. Manual V1.8 is also available for download.
  • Programming via bluetooth and app integrated. The B module, available separate, to follow until mid/end of May.

For loading the latest firmware file, please start the update process in the software, and follow the instructions. In case the download window does not open automatically (some issues occured using Edge or iE), find the direct link here:

DOWNLOAD AXON firmware V2000 (214 KB)


Firmware CORTEXpro

V 2.0 / 2000 Update-Details (Release 23.04.2018):

  • „DualRX“ option (serial input only): via button in the software/app, a second and redundant receiver can now also be added to port A, when PWM ouput (servos directly connected to the unit) is selected. So far, this was only possible using serial I/O in combination with a servo distribution box. The corresponding software packages V2.0 incl. the switching function (Win + MacOS) are available for download. The app packages are to follow until mid/end of May. Manual V1.6 is available for download.
  • Programming via bluetooth and app integrated. The B module, available separate, to follow until mid/end of May.
  • Channel-clipping (channel signal limits) ehanced on all channels (stabilized and non-stabilized) from 110% to 125%.

For loading the latest firmware file, please start the update process in the software, and follow the instructions. In case the download window does not open automatically (some issues occured using Edge or iE), find the direct link here:

DOWNLOAD CORTEXpro firmware V2000 (214 KB)


Firmware X-Series

V 203 Update-Details (Release 28.04.2016):

  • Tail parameter available again in RealTime-Tuning
  • Internal failsafe options now available with Futaba S.BUS

Update in the PC software either with the auto updater or download the following firmware file for manual import:

DOWNLOAD X-series firmware V203 (56 KB)


Firmware CORTEX

V 16 Update-Details (Release 11.02.2016):

  • Considerably improved lock-in precision in Normal/Dampening mode by revised algorithm
  • Even more natural control feel
  • Better control of your model in Hold mode

No update-relevant need to adapt any parameter or gain values!

Update in the PC software either with the auto updater or download the following firmware file for manual import:

DOWNLOAD CORTEX firmware V16 (50 KB)
