bavarianDEMON Software

Always stay up to date with latest software updates

For bavarianDEMON gyro systems, we offer free software updates to enable new functions, parameter and options. On this page you will find all latest available software updates.

Please read the notes and details for each update!

Software AXON / CORTEXpro

V 2.0 Update-Details (Release 20.06.2018):

  • Supporting the DualRX feature. See manual and software info for details.
  • Text field for device name, for easy identification via bluetooth / app.
  • Software start issue solved, when running a French OS version. (since release date 4.5.2018)
  • V2.0 auto-update issue on Mac Sierra systems solved (since release date 5.6.2018)
  • Short upcoming AXON start screen after CORTEXpro firmware update eliminated (since release 20.6.2018)

This software will automatically update any device (AXON and CORTEXpro) on firmware < V2.0 to V2.0 when connected. Any previous configuration will stay unchanged.

This software features an auto-detection of the connected device, and can be set to English or German.

DOWNLOAD for Windows 7 and higher (17,5 MB)


DOWNLOAD MacOS 10.8 and higher (40,5 MB)



DOWNLOAD Android-APK-File (30 MB)

This file is needed for Android devices to be able to make changes to CORTEXpro and AXON using the B-module.



DOWNLOAD AXON and COTREXpro bin files for Jeti (38 kB)

These files include the new DualRX option for AXON and CORTEXpro. Until the next official Jeti radio update, these files need to be copied to the radio's devices folder manually (replacing the existing files!).



Software 3SX / 3X / 3Xbase

V 6.61 Update-Details (Release 29.04.2016):

  • Mandatory from firmware V.203 on. Includes tail parameter in RealTime-Tuning again, plus internal failsafe options with Futaba S.BUS.

This setup software can be set to different languages. Currently available are: DE, EN, CZ, FR, ES, CN, RU

DOWNLOAD X-series Software V6.61 (5,6 MB)


Software Cortex

V 1.2 Update-Details (Release 31.08.2014):

  • Includes new parameter for new option to disable single output channels from firmware V.15 on

This setup software can be set to different languages. Currently available are: German and English

DOWNLOAD CORTEX Software V1.2 (3,0 MB)


Software RIGID V.2 / RIGID / 3D / 3A

V 3.1 Update-Details (Release 11.10.2013):

  • Display bug fixed

This setup software can be set to different languages and supports the older systems 3A, 3D and RIGID as well. Currently available are: DE, EN, JP

DOWNLOAD RIGID-V2 Software V3.1 (2,7 MB)
